Cancellation Policy

General Conditions:

  • Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to the reservation date to avoid additional charges.
  • The reservation deposit is non-refundable under any circumstances.

Last-Minute Cancellation:

  • In the event of cancellation within 24 hours prior to the reservation date, a cancellation fee of up to 50% of the total reservation cost may apply.

Special Circumstances:

  • There are no refunds or waiver of cancellation fees in case of unforeseen circumstances such as extreme weather conditions, illness, family emergencies, etc.

Cancellation Process:

  • Customers may cancel their reservation directly with the service provider. It is recommended to contact the provider as soon as possible to report the cancellation.

No-Show Policy:

  • Failure to attend the reservation without prior notice will be considered as a last-minute cancellation, and corresponding charges will apply.

Reservation Modifications:

  • Reservation modifications are subject to availability and may be subject to additional charges.

Contact: To cancel or modify a reservation, please contact the service provider directly using the information provided in the reservation confirmation.